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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christina Taylor Green - The 9-year-old Tucson shooting victim (PLEASE READ)

The Tucson Arizona Shooting was a tragedy. There were many lives lost and many lives that were turned upside down and will never be the same.

But from this tragic story there came a story of inspiration. As a parent it is tough to image our children being taken from us especially in this manner. It is inconceivable, unimaginable, unthinkable. But that is the case for the Family of Christina Green.  However; as a child she was able to save a life and bring some comfort and level of hope from a story of tragedy.

***As parents we should hold on to our children every day. Tell them how much we love them, how much we care about them. We should make that extra time to spend with them. I know that in the way that the world has become we are all so busy but it is important to spend that extra moment with our children. Make sure you never let your child walk out of the door without telling them how much you love them****

Here is her story:
Christina-Taylor was born on Sept. 11, 2001, and liked to think of herself as something good that came into the world that awful day.
 “She’s going to continue on for a number of years to come. That’s something special, something that will helpfully give her family solace.” Said Tim Downey
Christina was able to provide that by helping save the life of a child in Boston, Massachusetts via organ donation.

"She wanted to make a difference in her life. She wanted to make her mark, and she did so in so powerful a way that even she cannot imagine," The Most Rev. Gerald Kicanas, bishop of Tucson said.
What an angelic way to remember Christina's giving spirit by giving life to another young child.

I'm sure her parents are proud of their decision to donate Christina's organs to save another life while grieving the loss of their own beautiful and giving daughter. I couldn't imagine having to make such a tough decision so soon after the loss of a child.

May Christina's giving spirit live on through the other little girl and may her family find peace knowing that Christina is among the angels watching over them.

References and quotes:


Anonymous said...

What an amazing and inspirational story.

I'm a new follower...Please come by my blog and return the favor. R.O.A.R

Mel said...

What an amazing story. One I can't totally wrap my mind around; losing your child. Such tragedy :( Thanks for visiting my blog :)

Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

Laura said...

Following you back!

Betty Manousos said...

Hi, I just found you via Monday blog hop, Nan's, and I am now following you.
Hope you can stop by and follow me back.

Have a lovely day/week!

Mika said...

She was an amazing little girl.

I'm following from the blog hop.
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Made By Gen said...

Great post. A new follower from Monday Mingle. See you in my page.

KD said...

So tragic, but inspirational at the same time...

DP said...

What an inspirational post!
I'm your newest follower from the blog hop! Hope you will check out my blog and follow back.

Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies

Roaming Rhonda said...

Hi thanks for poosting this

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