2012 Eric Hoffer Award Finalist
Author: Janet F. Williams
Genre: Self-Help
Pages: 253
Purchase: Amazon & Barnes and Noble
This is an excellent empowering easy read self-help book. This book is designed to teach you the following things:
- How to ask for what you want
- How to uncover hidden motivations that make others want to grant your requests
- How to ask for things you never thought of on your own
- How to ask in specific situations
- How to overcome objections that stop you from asking for what you want
- How to overcome objections raised by others
One of my favorite chapters comes early in the book and it talks about “How to Ask for What you Want.”
My Key Takeaways from “How to Ask for What you Want”
Reactive vs. Proactive:
Being aware of the situation and not blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.
Yes/No and Open Ended Questions:
This section discuss when the best way to phrase questions for a definite Yes/No answer or asking open ended questions to obtain additional information from the person you are talking to.
Verbal and Visual Tips and Techniques:
It is not only what you say but it how you say it. This can be achieved through tone of voice, emphasis, facial expression and/or body language.
This section hit home because I know me, and have been told that my tone or facial expressions will give me away and that just because I am saying one thing those facial expression and tone will give away my true feelings on the situation and it is something that I have practiced and worked on for years. It was a great reinforcement to read this section of the book.
Negotiation Basics: Give to Get
I have always felt like I was a pretty good negotiation and that skill has been developed through my job as an underwriter for a large insurance company and dealing with agents and brokers on a daily basis.
This chapter in the book was again another great reinforcement and refresher course in negotiation and it will help to develop and/or strengthen the reader in this area. Negotiation does not just happen in a vacuum. It can happen at work, at home, with family and your children. To be successful in getting more out of life you have to have good negotiation skills.
In addition are there helpful tips on Finances from Equity Lines and loans to Mortgages to Utilities and other bills. Also insight sections on handling finances and asking for what you want and ways to save money.
Another great section towards the end of the book is Overcoming Fear. This section discusses behavior modification, emotional counseling and desensitization of your fears. According to this chapter “fears move you to action and fears hold you back.” And then asks the question “Is fear preventing you form asking for what you want and depriving you living a full, rich life?”
There are so many great chapters and self-help guides in this book that I wish I could write about them all. They are practical words of wisdom and there are helpful examples of real life situation throughout each section that is realistic and reinforces each theme and idea.
Overall a fantastic book and highly recommended!!
Overall Rating: 5 STARS
Remember “If you don’t ASK, you don’t GET!”
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