I absolutely a great pair of high heel shoes -especially sandals! I am 5’ 9” and you will never catch me in a pair of flats or heals less than 4” unless it is the weekend and I am just hanging around the house and I will put on a pair of flip flops or sneakers.
Women wear heels for different reasons – to appear taller, to provide a sense of domination or intimidation or just simply because the heels look the best with the outfit that they are wearing. Yes, we women will also sacrifice comfort at times to be sexier or for a really cute pair of heels.
Everyone women should own a staple pair of sexy red high heels and black high heels. Also if you look around fashion is trending to higher heels and this summer fuchsia heels are in! They are great to have in your shoe closet because a cute pair of fuchsia heels can add a little sass to a simple pair of jeans and tank top or t-shirt.
I am sure you are wondering why I wear that high a heel when I am already pretty tall. I wear heels because I feel good in them. They make me want to walk taller and prouder. I feel more confident and sexier in heels. I don’t wear heels for anyone else, I wear them for myself.
As a tribute to my love of shoes I will be starting a new daily post (similar to my inspirational quote of the day) that will include cute high heels that I love!
Hope you enjoy my selection!