So it has been awhile since I have made a post. The reason
is because I am going back to school online at the University of Phoenix to get
my MBA. I am very excited to finally have found the time and focus to go back to
school to get my MBA.
The reason I am going back to school is for a few reasons:
- It is always something that I wanted to do.
- It is not for gain at work. This is more for making myself marketable for change for the future.
- My daughter is about to be 6 years old this year and I felt that it was a good time to go back to school. She is not a baby anymore, a little less needy and it is great because we can sit at the table together at night and do “homework” which she enjoys.

The truth be told it is not as hard as you think. That is
why I went the road of online school program.
I am an early riser so I do some
work in the morning when the house is quiet and my daughter is sleeping. Also she
goes to bed around 7:30pm each night so I have time to study and work on my
assignments after she goes to bed.
It is more challenging on the weekends when I have a paper
that is due, but my mother is great and will watch her for a few hours when I need
to work on schoolwork.
Overall, I am thrilled to be going back to school and am
proud of myself for taking the steps to get my MBA. Who knows…I might even go
back for my Doctorate! We will see.
More to come!!!